Home News Kakoor Kalavayal Dirt Bike Race 2014

Kakoor Kalavayal Dirt Bike Race 2014


1925137_433678776777480_439784448_nBest two-wheeler riders gathered in  Kakkoor on March 4, for the Kakkoor Kalavayal Dirt Bike Race 2014. And, as expected, the competition was intense, each giving his best in the event, promoted by Kakkoor Kalavayal , and organized by Team Ride365

Dinu Devasia from Cochin  and Saijeet from Trichur stole the limelight, winning a race each in the glamour event —Indian Open Moto1 andMoto2

Saijeet  extracted the maximum from his well-prepared bike to win the first Indian Open Moto1, Dinu Devasia had revenge over, winning the second race after a battle royal

Team Motoguard swept the top three places in Moto2. Dinu won the first, finishing ahead of Anuoop Anu and Sinan Francis

Nobe from Team JRC was the undisputed king in the novice Class he faced a stiff challenge from other riders   but eventually came up trumps in both the races in novice class

Final Results


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