Home Blog Shrikant Karani Elected as Vice President UAM

Shrikant Karani Elected as Vice President UAM


The Asian Motorcycle Union (UAM) is the continental union of the FIM in charge of development and promotion of two wheeler motor sport in the Asian region
In the recent annual congress held at Manila last weekend the President and 3 vice presidents were elected for a four year term
For the post of president Stephan Carapiet (Macky) President of Namssa Phillipines won the election and for the post of Vice President the successful candidates were from Saudi Arabia,India and China
Mr Shrikant Karani who is the FMSCI nominee is a well known figure in UAM having served as a Vice president from 2001-2005. His nomination to post of Vice president will no doubt act a boost for promotion of two wheeler motor sport in India

” I am delighted to be elected once again for the post of Vice President UAM and i thank the FMSCI council who nominated me and for the support I received from all our member UAM voting delegates .I hope this four year term will see a big boot in promotion of activities not only in India but the Asia region as a whole” Shrikant Karani said


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