Home News MotoXndia.com Announces Exclusive Webcast of MOTOCROSS 2015

MotoXndia.com Announces Exclusive Webcast of MOTOCROSS 2015


motocrossMotoXindia.com the Internet’s most-visited motocross website from India, will offer a free worldwide webcast of MOTOCROSS- 2015 presented by DYFI Ayamkudy Meghala Committee in association with MotoXindia.com

With one of the best lineups of athletes  from south india and more than one lakh in prize money, the MOTOCROSS -2015 is a must-see event. Thanks to the live webcast, everyone can see it

MotoXindia.com will webcast on 12-April -2015 from Kaduthuruty, Kottayam beginning at 11 a.m. Indian Time

To view the MOTOCROSS 2015 please visit: http://motoxindia.com/live/ OR http://motoxindia.com/webcast/


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