Home News Gulf Monsoon Scooter Rally 2014 scheduled at 6th July

Gulf Monsoon Scooter Rally 2014 scheduled at 6th July


Gulf Monsoon Scooter Rally2014. event is scheduled at 6th July as every year this will be a one-day event and take off from Mumbai.

Maximum of 40 entries on first come basis.One event license will suffice.

Scooters assembled / manufactured in India, the following classes are eligible to participants in the rally.
1. Class S-1 Above 80 upto 110cc – Two stroke
2. Class S-2 Above 110cc upto 160cc – Two stroke
3. Class FSG Upto 160 cc- – Four Stroke. (general class for Indian Manufactured Scooters.)

Entry fees
Rs.600/-( Individual) Late Entry Rs.1000/-
Rs. 2000/-( Commercial/ Manufacturers /team Entry) Late Entry Rs.2500/-

Entry fee includes: 1) Tea at the start 2) One lunch per participant.

Start Money
Will be paid only to the first three participants whose complete entries forms, documentation along with FMSCI Competition License reaches Sportscraft office. Proof of residence will be required.

Pune: First three complete entries received Rs. 800
Kolhapur First three complete entries received Rs. 1000
Nashik: First three complete entries received Rs. 800
Vidharba First three complete entries received Rs. 1250
Bhopal First three complete entries received Rs. 1750
Hyderabad First three complete entries received Rs. 1750

Places other than above mentioned out-side the state of Maharashtra will be Rs.1750/- for maximum for the first five complete entries. However if the participant is from the state of Gujarat he will be paid maximum upto Rs.1500/- depending on the distance.

Start money will be payable only to participants with individual entries and not team entries nor for the participants who are sponsored / supported by manufacturers


Supplementary Regulations SR

Entry Forms 

Closing of Standard entries
Friday 27th June 2014 17:00hrs

Closing of late entries
Wednesday 2nd July 2014 13:00hrs

For more details contact 
Sportscraft office, Chitrakut, 3rd floor, Siri Road, Chowpatty Bandstand, Mumbai – 400006, Tel – 23677631


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