Home Rally Aishwarya Pissay 1st Indian to win FIM World Cup

Aishwarya Pissay 1st Indian to win FIM World Cup


Aishwarya Pissay is a 23-year old biker from Bengaluru who put India on the global map in motorsports, by winning the FIM World Cup.

Aishwarya, who won the first round in Dubai and was placed third (Portugal), fifth (Spain) and fourth (Hungary) in the subsequent outings, finished with a tally of 65 points, just four ahead of Portugal’s Rita Vieira in the final overall standings for women.

Aishwarya Pissay
Aishwarya Pissay Center

She was placed second in the junior category with 46 points, behind championship winner Tomas de Gavardo (60) of Chile

Going into the Hungarian Baja, Aishwarya and Vieira were the top contenders for the World Cup. The fourth-place finish earned the Indian 13 points while Vieira, who was placed third, garnered 16.


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