Home Rally Six Mile Sprint Rally 2018

Six Mile Sprint Rally 2018


JRT Motorsports headed by S.Kamalakannan organised a two wheeler Sprint Rally Event in Coimbatore on feb 25th 2018 at Kallapalayam,Coimbatore under the FMSCI Regulations.

It is an 7 Km offroad event comprises of different terrains and a very challenge Track. Competitors who finishes the  track with a fastest time have been declared as a winner.

Over 70 entries from all over Tamilnadu, Kerala and Bangalore have been participated in this event. And a very special category for Ladies has been conducted.

Lionnoil Lubricants, BG Products, Dr.Muthus Ortho Hospital are the main sponsors of the event. Lionnoil Lubricants marketing head Mr.Rajesh did a flag off of the event. Dr. Muthu Saravana Kumar of Muthus Ortho Hospital distributes the prizes to the winners.

K.Saravana Kumar PK Racing of Coimbatore has won the overall title with the fastest timing. Fazeela of Cochin has won the Ladies category and Vikram Sekhar has won the Scooter Category

Mohammed rafi,Narendran,Febin Jose,Santhosh Kumar,Jose Sebastin,Joseph Jinu,Bincy Shaju,Anakha.T,Jaideep,Karthik.S.R,Shiva Kumar,Rakesh Kumar,Sabarish has won the podiums respectively.

Six Mile Sprint Rally
Winners and Officials


Class – 1 -Upto 130 cc
Comp.No Name Total Time Vehicle Place
33 Santhosh Kumar 0:08:28 Yamaha Ybx Coimbatore
29 Venkatesh S 0:09:24 Yamaha Ybx Coimbatore
69 Venkatesh Jattbu 0:11:02 Yamaha Ybx Coimbatore
Class – 2 -Above 136 cc Upto 165 cc
Comp.No Name Total Time Vehicle Place
1 Saravana Kumar.K 0:07:20 Hero Impulse Coimbatore
21 Sabarish.S 0:07:50 Hero Impulse Coimbatore
43 Febin Jose 0:07:54 Hero Impulse Cochin
Class – 3 -Above 166 cc Upto 260 cc
Comp.No Name Total Time Vehicle Place
1 Saravana Kumar.K 0:07:24 Hero Impulse Coimbatore
21 Sabarish.S 0:07:45 Hero Impulse Coimbatore
63 Karthik.S.R 0:07:49 Hero Impulse Coimbatore
Class – 4 -Above 261 cc Upto 400 cc
Comp.No Name Total Time Vehicle Place
54 Jaideep 0:08:06 Hero Impulse Coimbatore
66 Vishnu Prakash.S 0:08:25 Hero Impulse Coimbatore
18 Nakul Krisheel 0:08:29 Hero Impulse Bangalore
Class – 5 – 2 stroke Class
Comp.No Name Total Time Vehicle Place
50 Shiva Kumar 0:08:26 Yamaha Rx Coimbatore
57 Saravanan.R 0:08:28 Yamaha Rx Bangalore
28 Rakesh Kumar 0:08:31 Yamaha Rx Coimbatore
Class – 6 – Indian Open
Comp.No Name Total Time Vehicle Place
1 Saravana Kumar.K 0:07:21 Hero Impulse Coimbatore
19 Rakesh Kumar 0:07:46 Hero Impulse Coimbatore
43 Febin Jose 0:07:47 Hero Impulse Cochin
Class – 9 – Ladies Open
Comp.No Name Total Time Vehicle Place
14 Fazeela.U 0:14:19 Apache RTR 200 Cochin
30 Bincy Shaju 0:15:08 Yamaha Ray Cochin
8 Anakha.T 0:06:49 Hero Impulse Cochin
Class – 7 – Royal Enfield Open
Comp.No Name Total Time Vehicle Place
9 Mohammed Rafi 0:08:16 Classic 500 Coimbatore
20 Sreekanth Komanna 0:08:38 Himalayan Cochin
46 Narendran 0:08:54 Himalayan Coimbatore
Class – 8 – Scooter Open
Comp.No Name Total Time Vehicle Place
24 Vikram Sekhar 0:09:31 Aprillia 150 Coimbatore
40 Jose Sebastian 0:09:45 Aprillia 150 Cochin
2 Joseph Jinu 0:09:45 Aprillia 150 Cochin